Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tabbie Toosday: Auntie Kimmie's STILL Recoverin'

Hiya Everykiaton!!!!

We mayd Momma call Auntie Kimmie to make sur her wuz doin okayz still. Momma sez she iz still gettin better, but her verrie straung ouchy medysyn frum da been V.E.T. haz rund owt so she iz feelin a byt soor. She haz been cookin today (in da bread kooker an da PEEP kookin box) and shez still tyred a lot. Snickers told us they haz made Renna da offishul Kandie woofie cuz instead of helpin nurse Auntie Kimmie, she just cuddlez til her fallz asleep near owr auntie. She'z still kyoot thow...

Auntie Kimmie told Momma she wuz gonna try to get on da internetz to read whut all da kiatons haz been postin and even let owr cousinz visitate all dayr friendz. We hopez to see dem on here soon!!!! 

Cinse Auntie Kimmie myt cee owr bloggie toodae, I thowt I wuld send a piktur of me purrtendin to take sum of Auntie Kimmie's yucky medysyn. Hehe I iz makin da "ewww gross gaggy face, see??) I tink she'll likez it....


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

haha that does look like momma when she takes yucky meds! ~cousin Snickers

PB 'n J said...

Ha Rossetti, you're so funny!

Thanks for keeping us up to date, we're glad to hear that your Auntie is up and around!

Tybalt said...

Rossetti, that is a great face!

Daisy said...

::cough, gag, choke::
I took some pretend medicines, too! It was yucky!

I do not think Aunt Kimmie should be cooking yet, more resting I think.