Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where's Momma Wednesday

So Rossetti and I have been looking everywhere for Momma... has any kiaton seen her?

Oh, wait. I remember now! She's standing in line to get this... *

Looks like we're going to have to start making her let us blog again... Any other kiatons out there about to lose their beans to the WoW soon? Maybe we'll start a support group...

* actually Momma's being good and day/night hunting right now. She IS going to go get in line for da WoW : Wrath of the Lich King when she gets to stop hunting for the night though.


PB 'n J said...

Sorry, but we're guessing your Momma is about to be really bizy!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

hehehe Your momma will have to tell ours about it. :p

Skeezix the Cat said...

Furrgive me if I've alreddy asked yoo this and I lost the emale, but I'm following up with Cosette, hoo wun 2 prizes in the Halloween costoom contest.

Ferst, if yoo haven't alreddy, emale jeter harris abowt yer prize:
jeterharris AT optonline DOT net

Secund, yoo wun frum me yer choice of a pink Skeezy cap or a "Skeezix is my Homeboy" travel mug. Lemme know wich one yoo wunt skeezy AT skeezixthecat DOT com

Sorry it's taken so long to follow up. My FL got lade off and she's bin bizzy with other stuff.

The Cat Realm said...

Oh no!!!! If our maid ever got her hands on a thing like that we wouldn't even have food in the house anymore because she would never ever leave the computer anymore AND we would never get blogging time ever either!
Thank you so much for your love! We are very happy to have friends like you!