Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wordy Wednesday: but we iz innozentz....

Greetings everykiaton!!!!  We decided to have a wordy Wednesday today so we could catch up with everyone. Sorry we haven't been blogging lately, but Momma has been busy day and night hunting since Valentine's Day and then she got sick this weekend. She's doing better today, so she let us go visitating today!!!! She did tell us that the other day when she was night hunting at the Depot, she heard the song Daisy sang to Skeezy , and it made her smile a lot!!! 

Also, I won Skeezy's Valentine's Day Contest for Best Purrsunuls Ad!! It was very fun, and I luved all the other valentines. And, I do believe that I have found my mostly White Knight... I just have to get the courage to tell him!!! Wish me luck...

Thanks to everykiaton who has stopped by to visitate us while we've been stuck at the house. We hope to be able to make the rounds more often now that Momma is on the mend.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

Happy V-Day everykiaton!!!!!  We hope you're all having a wonderful day, spending time with those you luv and cherish!!!! Congrats to Skeezix for finally getting the nerve to ask his special friend, Daisy to be his gerlfriend!!!!! And to her for saying YES!!!! It certainly made our day!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tabby Tummy Tuesday

Kirara and I sleepz alotz awound da howz. I uzually present my tummy for all the beans to rub!!
It workz most of da timez.

Den wez makz da funny facez at Momma when she usez da flashe box on uz!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Year of the Cat

Join us in following Momo's lead in making 2008 the Year of the CAT instead of the rat!

Wordless Wednesday : Bath time!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's Toesday Again...

Today I visitated Daisy the Curly Cat's blog and she reminded me about toe groomin! I have two toned pads too!

I have more furs between my toes though so its a bit harder to keep them clean! But I'll keep trying...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Mancat Munday

I had fun watchin da Sooper Bowl wif Kirara yezterdaz. Here I am glarzin at her afterz she refuzed to stop cheerin for da Cowboyz whin the first qarter started. 

She wuz gud until afterz the half time show and then she triez to cheerz sum moor, but I convinzed her it wuz a bad idea. (Momma wuz busy playin the WoW so she couldn't play the refereeee)

I wuz verra sad that the Patriots didn't wen cuz Kaze, Miss Peach, and Millie were playing for their team this year. Momo and Lucy cheered so hard for them too!! (Kirara did cheer for them as well and I let her cuz it twas a good cause)

After the xcittin game, we had to take a kiaton-nap cuz we werz too tired to even watch momma whilz she wuz still playin da WoW (we're both proud cuz her iz now a lvl 54 hunter, whichz good in da world of da WoW)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Fashion Friday

I decided to dress up like a cheerleader, so I could practice my cheers before the Super Bowl. I have pom poms and a megaphone to match my uniform.

I think I will cheer for the Cowboys even though they won't be playing because that will annoy Rossetti. That will show him!! I think I will just do it for the pre game show though.... that way we can watch the half time show together!!!!