Greetings Every Kiaton!!!!
We have finally made it back to the blogosphere!!!! well, to posting anyways....
We've been stopping by many bloggies to visitate, but haven't been able to leave many comments or post ourselves. Momma has been very, very busy!!! but hopefully, she will not be too busy now to help us blog. She got a new nite hunting job so she gets home a little earlier, but has had many projects to work on that haven't included blogging! (We did insist on watching the Breeder's Cup Horse Races with her last weekend so we could watch for any of
Snap's cousins that might have been on da TV!!!) We're putting the big guilt trip on Momma so bare with us, and we'll try to be around more! We Miss Ya'll!!!!!
We've also got a new member to The Kiaton Empire... our very our squillion, Cosette!!!! Isn't she a very pretty Meezer? We hope she loves living with us!!!!
And finally, we ALL (even Hippie Kittie) entered the
Cat Blogger's Halloween Contest, so purrlease go vote for us there!!!!! Entries must be in today, and voting ends at 10 PM PDT!!!