Tis I, Rossetti, commanderin the blog to invite all sailin' kiatonz ta join Cap'n Jack on hiz bonnie ship, da Black Furrball, n sail da high seaz in honor o Meow Like a Pirate Day!!!! Kirara already joined hiz crew... I'm on my wayz der now fur grog and pirate booty, meself, savvy? I'z just stopped to pass da word on all da festivitiez planned. Da Meowerz iz also shovin off on adventure az well.
Az I makez me escape, here be a photo of our Momma frum back in May when her wuz a pirate at da Renaissance Faire!! Ain't she a Bonnie lass? and dangerous az any kiaton pirate on da seven seaz!!! May there be a fair wind in yer sailz this day, meraarrrr!!!
~ Rossetti